Posts Tagged - 'settlement'

Foreclosures and Credit Reports

April 24, 2013, by Beth May

4 million Americans faced foreclosures that never should have happened and now, they’re realizing just how hard it is to remove them from their credit reports.

90% Credit Card Lawsuits Flawed

August 21, 2012, by Beth May

The credit card industry is facing a potential scandal similar to the foreclosure robosigning catastrophe.

Taxes are Filed, What Paperwork Should You Save?

April 12, 2012, by Antonio Bard

Getting those taxes filed isn’t the end of your tax season. Now you have to determine what to save and what to trash. Here are a few of the recommendations by experts.

Surprising Financial Shifts

March 20, 2012, by Jon Dell

Going off the grid, accepting cash payments from your mortgage lender or bank to abandon your home before it goes into foreclosure are just two ways the financial horizon has shifted.

Handling Your Late Credit Card Payments

December 27, 2011, by Jon Dell

Missed a credit card payment? It’s not the end of the world, but you have golden opportunities to work with your card company.

Complaints Involving Credit Cards

August 25, 2010, by Jon Dell

Over the course in any given fiscal year, there are hundreds of thousands of complaints involving credit cards that are filed. Whether you are dealing with a national bank or a small independent store, there are a host of issues that you could face. Of course, the process of resolving these issues could be a headache in and of itself.