Posts Tagged - 'student loan'

A Mission Statement for Your Finances? Absolutely!

April 10, 2013, by Beth May

A mission statement for your personal finances? Of course – and include the kids. It’s never too early to begin educating them.

Is it Time for CFPB to Show Freddie Mac How it’s Done?

March 25, 2013, by Jon Dell

Is it time for Freddie Mac to step aside and let the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau take over for homeowners?

Strange Bedfellows: Debt Collectors, Dept of Ed

January 16, 2013, by Antonio Bard

There are billions of dollars in student loans and CFPB wants to oversee it so that predatory debt collectors can be reined in.

2012: The Year of Credit Changes, Scandals Part 2

December 13, 2012, by Jon Dell

From a financial perspective, 2012 was one of those “non-stop, assume nothing” kind of years.

And So the Clock Ticks: Fiscal Cliff

November 8, 2012, by Antonio Bard

With the elections behind us, the nation faces new urgency in dealing with economic problems, debt and the fiscal cliff.