Another Kick for the Unbanked
by CreditCardsLab
The under- and unbanked consumers have another problem to worry about: remaining in compliance with new healthcare laws. Insurance companies often require credit cards and bank accounts. Are prepaid cards the answer?

FHA Halts New Credit Restrictions
by CreditCardsLab
Now, FHA loan applicants won’t be required to pay off old debts or disputed credit entries on their credit reports, making owning a home less challenging.

Great Credit Card Apps & Programs You Need
by CreditCardsLab
All the major credit card companies have apps and programs designed to make lives easier. Are you taking advantage of those apps?

Visa and MasterCard Announce Growth
by CreditCardsLab
Many might not have been surprised that both Visa and MasterCard are reporting strong earnings, but they might be surprised to learn those earnings are in the double digits.

Pay the Credit Card Charges for Prostitute, Vegas Trips
by CreditCardsLab
Two separate incidents involving government agencies are in the headlines and both have to do with improper credit card usage and other financial decisions that the American taxpayer will most like have to shoulder.

Credit Cards to Take You From College to Retirement
by CreditCardsLab
Do you still have in your wallet the credit card you had from college? If not, you’re in the majority. It doesn’t have to be that way though.

Prepaid Cards Ideal for 2011 Tax Refunds
by CreditCardsLab
Did you know there are 9 million under banked or unbanked Americans? Prepaid debit cards offer a safe and fast way to claim your tax returns. Check out these offers.

If Your Credit Cards Could Talk
by CreditCardsLab
Every time you swipe your credit card you’re doing much more than initiating a transaction. Your credit and debit cards are telling all your secrets.