Business Owners Flock to Award-Winning AMEX YourBuzz

These days, it’s all about the visibility on social networking sites and businesses everywhere are looking to really blend these platforms into their business models. To that end, American Express unveiled its YourBuzz app in an effort to pull it all together. It’s proven to be an invaluable avenue for many business owners as they seek to keep their fingers on the pulse of their customers.

YourBuzz provides businesses – and especially small business owners – a revolutionary way of quickly and efficiently managing their online presence. It’s sleek, streamlined and consolidated and the one thing business owners have always wanted, a “real time” method of gauging their customers’ satisfaction. This app covers all the big players in social networking: Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Foursquare and others.

What It Is

The goal for the credit card giant was to create a lightweight “best-in-class social media solution” and they have definitely succeeded. It’s a small program that allows a business owner to monitor all of his various platforms in one convenient place. If a consumer tweets how great the cheeseburger was he just had, the business owner sees it in instant time. He also hears, in real time, if the fries were cold or if the service was less than idea.

Also, as part of its marketing efforts, American Express defined four crucial benefits, including listings, mentions (such as the @ tagging features in Twitter), contacts and of course, the ever-popular offers that business owners always try to ensure reaches their targets. Of these business owners, the primary design target includes established small businesses with annual revenue of greater than $250,000 per year.

Gaining access to the YourBuzz is easy. American Express small business owners, including those who are part of the OPEN Network, can have their platforms up and moving in a matter of minutes. You can visit the American Express website as well as the YourBuzz site for more information on hardware requirements as well as step by step instructions, frequently asked questions and even convenient screenshots that walk you through the set up.

Now, news comes this week the AMEX YourBuzz has won an award. The bar has definitely been raised.

Sammy Awards

The SAMMY Awards are all about honoring excellence and breakthrough achievement – especially in the technology sector on all things related to social advertising, media and marketing. These awards are presented by Digiday and are announced every February.

Web Based App

One of the best features with this app is its ability to do its job without having to unload any bulky software. The dashboard, an easy to use and easy to understand dynamic is the perfect way to keep complete control over how your business is being presented to the public. Small business owners report they can easily follow the updates and even better, they say there’s practically no learning curve, which is always a great bonus.

The only drawback (if you can even call it that) is business owners will find success with the YourBuzz app only if they have already built a social media presence. After all, business owners will quickly become bored with it if there is no interaction. If you’ve not built a Twitter following or a FourSquare presence of a Facebook fan page with followers, that really should be your first goal.

So now the question is whether or not the app can continue building momentum and what the competition can come up wit to challenge YourBuzz. American Express is confident in its award winning program. It’s easy to get it up and running and for American Express card members, there’s no shortage of benefits for these business owners.

It’s truly a win-win – consumers feel as though their voices are heard, businesses are benefiting from the feedback and are able to either improve a problem or increase what works. American Express and the YourBuzz programs are enjoying the fruits of their labor with their new award. Rare, indeed – but this is one winning formula that’s certainly giving the competition something to consider. Be sure to carefully review the small print and a quick crash course ensures you maximize the potential of the program.

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