Posts Tagged - 'american consumers'

Are You Making These Credit Card Mistakes?

August 21, 2013, by Jon Dell

Are you paying more in interest than you have to? Maybe you’re unsure of what your options are in terms of your credit card rights? Here’s all you need to know.

Healthy Sex Drive Optional, Strong Credit Scores Mandatory

July 24, 2013, by Antonio Bard

What’s more important to you: a healthy sex drive or credit score compatibility? For many young consumers, it’s less about sex and more about the ability to buy a house.

Another Kick for the Unbanked

May 21, 2013, by CreditCardsLab

The under- and unbanked consumers have another problem to worry about: remaining in compliance with new healthcare laws. Insurance companies often require credit cards and bank accounts. Are prepaid cards the answer?

Is it Time for CFPB to Show Freddie Mac How it’s Done?

March 25, 2013, by Jon Dell

Is it time for Freddie Mac to step aside and let the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau take over for homeowners?

Are We Any Wiser When it Comes to Credit Cards?

March 20, 2013, by Evita Page

Do we see credit cards differently? And if so, does that mean our love affair with credit is on the mend or is it a temporary shift due to the recession?

Is Your Credit Keeping You Single?

March 6, 2013, by Beth May

Right or wrong, many are seeing their credit scores as burdens that hold them down. But does society support this mindset that our credit scores dictate who we are?