Posts Tagged - 'banks'

American Express is too Social?

August 7, 2013, by Evita Page

American Express is social network-savvy, but that’s nothing compared to the huge announcement made by the credit card giant and one of the nation’s largest banks.

Healthy Sex Drive Optional, Strong Credit Scores Mandatory

July 24, 2013, by Antonio Bard

What’s more important to you: a healthy sex drive or credit score compatibility? For many young consumers, it’s less about sex and more about the ability to buy a house.

Payday Loans and Continuing Controversy

June 18, 2013, by Antonio Bard

Will payday loan companies always be seen as the black sheep in the financial family of products? It could be sooner rather than later as banks continue to toe their way in.

Want to Buy Pot or Guns? Don’t Rely on Your Credit Card

May 14, 2013, by Evita Page

Should financial institutions, including banks and credit card companies, prevent consumers from making legal purchases, just because they don’t agree with the laws?

Is Brown-Vitter Bill Good for Consumers or Banks?

May 7, 2013, by Jon Dell

The nation’s banks are working hard to keep the next round of financial laws from getting through Congress. Brown Vitter isn’t Dodd Frank, but it’s just as good.

A Mission Statement for Your Finances? Absolutely!

April 10, 2013, by Beth May

A mission statement for your personal finances? Of course – and include the kids. It’s never too early to begin educating them.

Is it Time for CFPB to Show Freddie Mac How it’s Done?

March 25, 2013, by Jon Dell

Is it time for Freddie Mac to step aside and let the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau take over for homeowners?

The New Discover “It” Card

January 9, 2013, by Evita Page

Ready for what’s next in consumer credit cards? Look no further than the Discover It credit card.