Posts Tagged - 'economy'

How Do YOU See the Economy?

September 13, 2012, by Antonio Bard

It’s difficult to find the silver lining in the American economy. Growing health care concerns, stubborn unemployment rates, and banks taking big hits. Where does it end?

Will Paul Ryan Be Good for Our Bank Accounts?

August 13, 2012, by Jon Dell

Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to consider what role the Romney/Ryan ticket will have on our personal financial well being.

FHA Halts New Credit Restrictions

July 2, 2012, by CreditCardsLab

Now, FHA loan applicants won’t be required to pay off old debts or disputed credit entries on their credit reports, making owning a home less challenging.

28% of Americans Have No Savings

June 26, 2012, by Jon Dell

Things aren’t getting better with the economy and most simply aren’t able to save money when they’re paying down debt and trying to keep groceries stocked and a roof over their families. Take advantage of other cost cutting measures, like paying down credit card debt.

Money 101 and American Express PASS

April 19, 2012, by Evita Page

Have teens or young adults? Looking for a way to instill responsible money attitudes? Consider American Express PASS.

American Express Profits Up: Here’s Why

October 20, 2011, by Antonio Bard

What’s American Express doing that its competitors aren’t? Its multi-pronged approach is ensuring double digit profits, including 14% for the 3rd quarter.

Rebuilding Credit with Secured Credit Cards

September 8, 2011, by Evita Page

It can be difficult to rebuild your credit, especially after you’ve worked years to keep a strong and impressive credit history intact. If you do run into trouble, a secured credit card might be the best route as you pick up the pieces.